Monday, January 30, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Facts for Friends of the Nashville YWCA

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

It appears that this multi-page booklet—“FACTS for Friends of The Nashville Y. W. C. A.”—was given to Laurine Wyatt on Sunday, October 13, 1929.  There is nothing to indicate whether she was coming to the organization as a volunteer or as a resident. I have enlarged the inner pages so they are readable online; only minimal information (primarily names of individuals) has been transcribed and is included following all the images.

[page 1]



Mrs. John R. Aust                   President
Mrs. L. G.. Durr                      Vice President
Mrs. T. Graham Hall               Vice President
Mrs. George Blackie               Treasurer
Miss Jennie Sparks                  Secretary
Mrs. J. S. McHenry                 Corresponding Secretary
Miss Ina Sherrebeck                General Secretary


Mrs. W. C. Bilbro                   Chm. Health Education
Mrs. Brown Buford                Chm. Tea Room
Miss Bertha Childs                 Chm. Business Girls
Mrs. A. J. Dyer                       Chm. Finance
Mrs. Weaver Harris                 Chm. Recreation
Mrs. W. F. Powell                   Chm. Membership
Miss Susie McWhirter             Chm. Industrial
Mrs. J. H. McClure                 Chm. Building
Miss Rebecca Porter               Chm. Decorations
Mrs. H. C. Tolman                  Chm. Rooms Registry
Miss Louise Young                 Chm. Colored Work
Mrs. V. M. Lewis                    Girl Reserve Committee
Miss Anna Louise Mills                      Business GirlsCommittee
Mrs. W. C. Kerrigan               Employment Committee

Mrs. Clarence Boyd                Mrs. Chas. Eastman
Mrs. W. G. Ewing                   Mrs. Kirk Rankin
Mrs. E. B. Stahlman                Mrs. J. R. Wheeler
Miss Mary Pleasants Jones      Finance Secretary
Miss Grace England                Office Secretary

[page 2]


Secretary                                 Miss KatherineMorris

[page 3]


Secretary                                 Miss Ruth Abell


Secretary                                 Miss LeolaSchneider

[page 4]



Director                                   Miss MarthaHeiner
Assistant                                  Miss BessieHobbs


Director                                   Mrs. LuraHawkins
Assistant                                  Miss AmandaDurham

[page 5]


Secretary                                 Miss FrancesBeasley
Assistant                                  Miss ThelmaRichmann
Assistant                                  Mrs. TravisMartin

[page 6]


Director                                   Miss DessaAinlay
SwimmingInstructor               Miss Mildred Parker

[page 7]


Secretary                                 Miss GenevieveMorrow

Officersfor 1929-30

President                                 Daisie Harris
                                                WashingtonMfg. Co.

Vice President                         Erma Osborne
                                                JarmanShoe Co.

Secretary                                 Maynie Tanksley

Treasurer                                Inez Atkerson
                                                RockCity Paper Box Co.

[page 8]


Day Secretary                         Miss Edna Porter
Night Secretary                       Mrs. E. A. Orr


Secretary                                 Mrs. FrancesRoberts
Building Manager                   Mrs. Carrie Gardner

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

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