Monday, January 30, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Facts for Friends of the Nashville YWCA

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

It appears that this multi-page booklet—“FACTS for Friends of The Nashville Y. W. C. A.”—was given to Laurine Wyatt on Sunday, October 13, 1929.  There is nothing to indicate whether she was coming to the organization as a volunteer or as a resident. I have enlarged the inner pages so they are readable online; only minimal information (primarily names of individuals) has been transcribed and is included following all the images.

[page 1]



Mrs. John R. Aust                   President
Mrs. L. G.. Durr                      Vice President
Mrs. T. Graham Hall               Vice President
Mrs. George Blackie               Treasurer
Miss Jennie Sparks                  Secretary
Mrs. J. S. McHenry                 Corresponding Secretary
Miss Ina Sherrebeck                General Secretary


Mrs. W. C. Bilbro                   Chm. Health Education
Mrs. Brown Buford                Chm. Tea Room
Miss Bertha Childs                 Chm. Business Girls
Mrs. A. J. Dyer                       Chm. Finance
Mrs. Weaver Harris                 Chm. Recreation
Mrs. W. F. Powell                   Chm. Membership
Miss Susie McWhirter             Chm. Industrial
Mrs. J. H. McClure                 Chm. Building
Miss Rebecca Porter               Chm. Decorations
Mrs. H. C. Tolman                  Chm. Rooms Registry
Miss Louise Young                 Chm. Colored Work
Mrs. V. M. Lewis                    Girl Reserve Committee
Miss Anna Louise Mills                      Business GirlsCommittee
Mrs. W. C. Kerrigan               Employment Committee

Mrs. Clarence Boyd                Mrs. Chas. Eastman
Mrs. W. G. Ewing                   Mrs. Kirk Rankin
Mrs. E. B. Stahlman                Mrs. J. R. Wheeler
Miss Mary Pleasants Jones      Finance Secretary
Miss Grace England                Office Secretary

[page 2]


Secretary                                 Miss KatherineMorris

[page 3]


Secretary                                 Miss Ruth Abell


Secretary                                 Miss LeolaSchneider

[page 4]



Director                                   Miss MarthaHeiner
Assistant                                  Miss BessieHobbs


Director                                   Mrs. LuraHawkins
Assistant                                  Miss AmandaDurham

[page 5]


Secretary                                 Miss FrancesBeasley
Assistant                                  Miss ThelmaRichmann
Assistant                                  Mrs. TravisMartin

[page 6]


Director                                   Miss DessaAinlay
SwimmingInstructor               Miss Mildred Parker

[page 7]


Secretary                                 Miss GenevieveMorrow

Officersfor 1929-30

President                                 Daisie Harris
                                                WashingtonMfg. Co.

Vice President                         Erma Osborne
                                                JarmanShoe Co.

Secretary                                 Maynie Tanksley

Treasurer                                Inez Atkerson
                                                RockCity Paper Box Co.

[page 8]


Day Secretary                         Miss Edna Porter
Night Secretary                       Mrs. E. A. Orr


Secretary                                 Mrs. FrancesRoberts
Building Manager                   Mrs. Carrie Gardner

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Program from an Entertainment

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

Laurine Wyatt likely saved thefollowing program because the messages were meaningful to her and weredelivered by influential men of the day. There is no indication in thescrapbook when or where the program was held.

“P R O G R A M

+ + + +


Music by Orchestra

"The SouthCarolina Buzz Saw"
                        Ed Baldwin

Group Singing

Tenor Solo:
            "A Call to theColors"-------Reis
                        Mr. John E. Carter

                        Judge A. W. Chambliss

Baritone Solo:
            "Father of the Land WeLove"---Cohan

                        Dr. Carter Helm Jones



o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Music by InglewoodJolly Juniors Orchestra

Dr. Ullin LeavellPresiding”


  1. In 1930, several men by the name of Ed or Edward Baldwin wereenumerated in Tennessee; without additional information it is not possible toidentify the one who participated in this program.
  2. Likewise, without more information, it is not possible toidentify the John E. Carter on the program.
  3. In 1930, Supreme Court justice Alex W. Chambliss, age 65 bornin South Carolina, was enumerated in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee. [Source:1930 U.S. census, Hamilton County, Tennessee, population schedule, Chattanooga,Enumeration District (ED) 1, page 4B, dwelling 44, family 128, Alex W.Chambliss; digital images, : accessed 25 January2012); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2250.]
  4. Carter Helm Jones was a Baptist clergyman who held pastoratesin several states, including Kentucky. “Nationally known as a scholar, oratorand churchman,” Jones died on May 7, 1946. [Source: “Retired Minister Dies in Virginia,” Times Picayune, 8 May 1946, page 3,column 3; online images, GenealogyBank( : accessed 25January 2012.]
  5. In 1930, Ullin W. Leavell, age 36, a college teacher, isenumerated in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee. [Source: 1930 U. S.census, Davidson County, Tennessee, population schedule, Nashville, EnumerationDistrict 190, page 9B, dwelling 109B, family 240B, Ullin W. Leavell; digitalimages, ( : accessed 25 January2012); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2242.]
  6. No information was found about theInglewood Jolly Juniors Orchestra.

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Confused Clock Runs Backward

InNovember 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.

I suspectthis newspaper clipping must have amused Laurine and that is why she saved it.

“CONFUSED CLOCK RUNS BACKWARDS--Wringingits hands with confusion, the clock in the office of the State Railroad andPublic Utilities Commission registered the doubts of many Nashvillians over thechange to Daylight Saving Time by turning tail and running--backwards. MissKatherine Smith (above), secretary to Commissioner W. D. Hudson, who arrivedearly at the office this morning to be sure she was right about her own watch,discovered the clock's dilemma. It was 8:45 o'clock when the picture was made.The clock, however, insisted it was 7:26, almost 7:25 o'clock, but declined tosay whether a. m. or p. m., Daylight Saving or Standard Time.”

  1. There were several Katherine Smiths enumerated in Davidson County, Tennessee, during the 1930 U.S. census, but I was unable to identify which one might be pictured here.
  2. Without a first name, I could not identify W. D. Hudson on the 1930 census.
  3. The name of the newspaper in which these photographs appeared and the dates of publication are unknown.
  4. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to either Katherine Smith or W. D. Hudson is unknown.

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook – Clyde Partlow of Franklin, Tennessee

InNovember 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.

The Wyatt scrapbook contains twonewspaper clippings featuring a young woman named Clyde Partlow.

“Above—Miss Clyde Parthow on "Many Mac," and, below, MissElsie Caldwell, on "Me Too." Both girls appear in the Junior HorseShow at the state pavilion this week.” [The picture of Elsie Caldwell was notin the scrapbook.]

“MISS CLYDE PARTLOW, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Partlow, ofFranklin, Tenn., on "So Charming." Miss Partlow is a member  of the Junior Riding club sponsoring theSpring Horse show, May 8 and 9.—Photo by Bligh.”


  1. On the 1930 U.S. federal census, Clyde Partlow (age 15, born in Tennessee) is enumerated in Williamson County, Tennessee, with her parents Joseph D. Partlow (age 51, born in Tennessee, a farmer) and Elizabeth Partlow (age 47, born in Tennessee). Also residing in the household was Lou Critlow (servant, age 60, born in Tennessee). [Source: 1930 U.S. census, Williamson County, Tennessee, population schedule, District 9, Enumeration District (ED) 14, page 11-B, dwelling 257, family 275, Joseph D. Partlow; ( : accessed 12 January 2012); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2285.]
  2. The name of the newspaper in which these photographs appeared and the dates of publication are unknown.
  3. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to Clyde Partlow or her family is unknown.

 © 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Mrs. Thomas H. Malone, Jr.

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.

“Chairman of Music for Mardi Gras

Mrs. Malone serves as chairman of music for the Children's MardiGras, to be presented Shrove Tuesday, at the Belmont Theater, under theauspices of the Rector's Aid Society of Christ Episcopal Church. An artisticprogram will be presented by the Colonial Trio composed of Alline Fentress,violinist; Vivienne Olsen, cellist, and Margaret Pittman Bowers, pianist. Fundsderived from the entertainment are used for the support of St. Luke's CommunityHouse.”

  1. St. Luke’s Community House is a nonprofit organization in Nashville that was founded in 1913. [Source: Facebook, St. Luke’s Community House ( : accessed 10 January 2012).]
  2. There are several men named Thomas H. Malone enumerated in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee.  Based on my estimation of the age of the woman in this photo, I suspect that the correct family is that of Thom. H. Malone, lawyer, age 55, born in Tennessee. Others in the household are wife Mary C. (age 35, born in Tennessee), son Thom. H., Jr. (age 13, born in Tennessee), and mother-in-law Leta Robson (age 63, born in Tennessee). [Source: 1930 U. S. census, Davidson County, Tennessee, population schedule, District 7, Enumeration District (ED) 221, page 19B, dwelling 422, family 433, Thom. H.. Malone; Ancestry ( : accessed 10 January 2012); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2243.]
  3. The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and the actual date of publication are unknown.
  4. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to the Thomas Malone family is unknown.

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Mrs. E. Clarke Hubbs and Son

InNovember 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.

Mrs. E. Clarke Hubbs, who prior to her marriage was Miss MyrtleHowse of Nashville, daughter of Mrs. Martha Howse and niece of Mayor Hilary E.Howse, is pictured with her son, E. Clarke Hubbs, Jr. Dr. Hubbs, a prominentdentist of Los Angeles, accompanied Mrs. Hubbs and their son on this visit tofriends and relatives here, during which they were extensively entertained.”

  1. Clark E. Hubbs, dentist, age 41, born in Kentucky, is enumerated in Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, in 1930. Living in the household are wife Myrtle (age 32, born in Tennessee), son Clark E. Jr. (age 8, born in California), mother-in-law Martha Howse (age 64, born in Tennessee), and servant Marie Burke (age 65, born in Canada). [Source: 1930 U. S. census, Los Angeles County, California, population schedule, Glendale, Enumeration District (ED) 967, page 13B, dwelling 329, family 332, Werra Jackson; Ancestry ( : accessed 10 January 2012); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 127.]
  2. The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and the actual date of publication are unknown.
  3. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to these individuals is unknown.
 © 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Marriage of Mary Jackson and N. T. Richardson - 1932

InNovember 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.

“Members ofRichardson-Jackson Bridal Party
--Photo by A. J. Thuss
The marriage of MissMary Jackson and N. T. Richardson, was an interesting event of June 29, inMurfreesboro. After a southern bridal trip Mr. and Mrs. Richardson will be athome in Grand Junction, where the groom has business connections. In thephotograph the bride and groom are seated, and standing behind them are membersof their bridal party, as follows; Miss Rubye Jackson, sister of the bride,bridesmaid; Ralph Fitzgerald, of Nashville, groomsman; Bert R. Hollandsworth,of Nashville, best man; and Miss Lera Jackson, sister of the bride, maid ofhonor. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. A. J. Jackson, of Middleton.”

  1. Miss Mary Ellen Jackson (age 24) and N. T. Richardson (age 45) were married 29 June 1932 in Rutherford County, Tennessee. [Source: “Tennessee Marriages, 1796-1950,” index, entry for Mary Ellen Jackson, FamilySearch, ( : accessed 10 January 2012); index based on the International Genealogical Index, Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City.]
  2. A Mary E. Jackson is enumerated on the 1930 U.S. federal census, age 22, living in Hardeman County, Tennessee, with her mother (Werra, age 47) and siblings Lola (age 20), Ruby (age 17), Edison (age 12), and Lenna (age 10). [Source: 1930 U. S. census, Hardeman County, Tennessee, population schedule, District 5, Enumeration District (ED) 14, page 7A, dwelling 145, family 145, Werra Jackson; Ancestry ( : accessed 10 January 2012); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2254.]
  3. The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and the actual date of publication are unknown.
  4. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to Mary Jackson, N. T. Richardson, or their families is unknown.

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Billy Jarrett

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

“Billy Jarrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jarrett, Nashville.
—Photo by Calvert Bros.”

  1. Although I do not know whether it is this “Billy Jarrett,” I founda William Jarrett, Jr., on the 1930 U.S. census with his parents, William andMargaret Jarrett, in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee. He is reported asbeing 2 and 11/12 years old and born in Tennessee.  [Source: 1930 U.S. census, Davidson County, Tennessee,Nashville, enumeration district (ED) 200, page 5A, dwelling 63, family 80, householdof William Jarrett; digital images, Ancestry( : accessed 1 January 2012); citing NationalArchives and Records Administration microfilm publication T626, roll 2243.]
  2. The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared andthe actual date of publicationare unknown.
  3. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to Billy Jarrett or hisparents is unknown.

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Evelyn Marie Barnett

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

“Evelyn Marie Barnett,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Barnett, granddaughter of D. F. Sheftall ofNashville and R. L. Barnett of Rock Island, Tennessee. 
—Photo by Meyer & Holt.”

  1. Evelyn M. Barnett is found on the 1930 U.S. census with herparents, Clarence K. and Ida B. Barnett, in Nashville, Davidson County,Tennessee. She is reported as being 4 and 6/12 years old and born in Tennessee. [Source: 1930 U.S. census, Davidson County, Tennessee,Nashville, enumeration district (ED) 191, page 19A, dwelling 204, family 245,household of Clarence K. Barnett; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 1 January 2012);citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm publication T626,roll 2242.]
  2. The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared andthe actual date of publicationare unknown.
  3. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to Evelyn Marie Barnettor her parents is unknown.

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, January 9, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Joe Melvin Reynolds

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.


Joe is four yearsold. He is the son [faded newsprint is unreadable] and Mrs. James J. Reynoldsof Jordan Springs, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shelby of Jordan Springs.”

  1. According to FindAGraveMemorial #26844965, Joseph Melvin Reynolds was born on 16 June 1924 inTennessee, the son of James Jennings Reynolds and Frances Shelby Reynolds. He died11 June 1997 and is buried at Miner Cemetery in Middletown, Middlesex County,Connecticut. A biography is included on the FindAGrave memorial. [Source:, digital images( : accessed 1 January 2012), Dr. Joseph Melvin Reynolds,Memorial #26844965, created by Jerry G. Marable, 15 May 2008.]
  2. The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and theactual  date of publication are unknown.
  3. The relationship, if any, of Laurine Wyatt to Joseph Melvin Reynolds or his parents is unknown.

 © 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Dance for AFFCC by USO

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

“Swing and SwayTheme of Dance for AFFCC by U. S. O.

It was swing and sway formore than 400 couples last night at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium at the firstdance given for the newly arrived men at the Army Air Force ClassificationCenter on Thompson Lane.

At left are shown MissVivian Edwards and Cadet Chester Langworthy typical of the many youthfulcouples that decorated the dance floor. At right is a general scene showing thecrowd of dancers.

—Staff Photos By Campbell Bligh”

[The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and theactual  date of publication are unknown.]

 © 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - YWCA Twelfth Night Party

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

Royal Court at Y. W. C. A. Twelfth NightParty

Banner Staff Photo.

The king and queen,selected to rule over the court at the annual Twelfth Night party held Fridayevening at the Y. W. C. A. gynmasium, are shown surrounded by their entourage.To the left of the throne, reading left to right, the ladies-in-waiting are,standing: Misses Naomi Cantrell, Louise Gentry, Elizabeth Akin, Evelyn Lovell,Loraine Maddox, and Jewel Simpson. Seated: Misses Dimple Holmes, Frances Wrye,Lucy Eubanks, Edna Eastland, Johnnie Bostick, and Elizabeth Wrye.

The military escorts are MissEvelyn Stark, left, and Mrs. Martha Holton, right. Miss Mary Hager is the queenand Mrs. Reubene Preston, king. Seated in front of their royal majesties areMiss Agnes Gibbs, court jester; Miss Queenie Sloan, page and Miss Ruby McGuire,jester. Standing next the military escort is Mrs. Weaver Harris,plenipotentiary.

Lords-in-waiting on theright of the throne, reading left to right, are, standing: Misses Mary Bates,Lottie Thomas, Mildred Burrus, Thelma Moody, Myrtle Webb, and Ruth Bumpass;seated: Misses Eula Mae Childers, Avo E. Marshall, Mary Lee Glenn, RozellChadwell, Grace Read and Mrs. D. J. Johns, Jr.”

The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and theactual  date of publication are unknown.

 © 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, January 2, 2012

Wyatt Scrapbook - Leaders in YWCA Membership Drive

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

“Leaders in Y. W. C.A. Membership Drive

Mrs. John Aust                                 Miss Susie McWhirter
A. J. Thuss Photo                             A. J. Thuss Photo

Mrs. Weaver Harris                          Mrs. E. K. Hardison
W. G. Thuss-Photo                          Meyer & Holt-Photo
The twenty-first annualmembership campaign of the Nashville Y. W. C. A., under the leadership of Mrs.John R. Aust, will officially begin Wednesday at a luncheon given at the Y. W.C. A. Miss Susie McWhirter, Y. W. C. A. president; Mrs. John R. Aust, chairman,and Mrs. Weaver Harris, will serve as members of the executive committee. Mrs.E. K. Hardison, president of the Housewives' League, will serve as chairman ofluncheons to be given during the drive.”

  1. According to their website, the Nashville YWCA was founded in1898. Therefore, the 21st membership campaign referred to in this clipping was likely held in 1919 or perhaps 1920.
  2. The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and theactual  date of publication are unknown.

© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research