Friday, December 30, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - YWCA Health Club

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.


—Banner Staff Photo.

Members of the various classes in the health educationdepartment of the Y. W. C. A. recently organized a Business Girls' Health Club.The offices, reading from left to right, are: Mrs. Martha Holton, president;Mrs. Mary Parrish, second-vice president; Miss Evelyn Stark, membershipchairman; Mrs. Thelma Moody, secretary-treasurer; Miss Myrtle Jones, publicitychairman, and Miss Dessa F. Ainlay, adviser of the club and director of thedepartment. Miss Mary Sherer, first vice-president, is not in the picture.”

[The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and the date of publication are unknown.]

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - YWCA Girls' Basketball Team

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.


—Banner staff photos.

Pictured above is the Y. W. C. A. House girls'basketball team which is a member of the Y. W. C. A. Business Girls' League.The team got off to a bad start but has been displaying some fine basketball inits recent games and are looking forward to a great season next year.

The players are, reading left to right: Peggy Harris,Myrtle Jones, Maude James, Nancy Brandon, manager; Louise Kerr, LouiseMcDonald, Gladys Freeman, Minnie Marshall, captain, and Mrs. Robert Parrish,coach."

[The name of the newspaper in which this photograph appeared and the date of publication are unknown.]

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, December 26, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Ann Gay Webb

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

 “Ann Gay Webb”

  1. Ann Gay Webb, age 3 and 1/12, isenumerated in the 1930 census in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, withher parents, Robert S. and Mary Webb, and brother Robert, Jr., age 8. Alsoenumerated in the household is Sarah Keele, age 60, widowed, listed as mother. [Source: 1930 U.S. census, Davidson County, Tennessee,population schedule, Nashville, Enumeration District (ED) 72, p. 11-A, dwelling193, family 194, Robert S. Webb; digital image, : accessed 16 Dec 2011); citing NARA microfilmpublication T626, roll 2242.]
  2. The name of the newspaper inwhich this photograph appeared and the date of publication are unknown.
  3. The relationship between AnnGay Webb and her parents and Laurine Wyatt is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, December 23, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Virginia Kathrine Winn

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

“Virginia Kathrine Winn, ofMiami, Fla., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Winn, and granddaughter of Mr. andMrs. Irvin Wyatt, of this city.”

  1. Andrew T. Winn, his wifeErmina, daughter Virginia, and brother-in-law Garner Wyatt are found in the1930 census in Miami, Dade County, Florida; all are reported as being born inTennessee. Virginia is reported to be 5 years old. [Source: 1930 U.S. census, Dade County, Florida,population schedule, Miami, Enumeration District (ED) 12, p. 3-A, dwelling 78,family 78, Andrew T. Winn; digital image, : accessed 16 Dec 2011); citing NARA microfilmpublication T626, roll 308.]
  2. The name of the newspaper inwhich this photograph appeared and the date of publication are unknown.
  3. Virginia Katherine Winnmarried Prentice Walton Smith in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on April 28, 1943;click hereto see the news clipping announcing the marriage.
  4. The relationship between VirginiaKathrine Winn and her parents and Laurine Wyatt is unknown. However, Virginia’smother was a Wyatt so likely there is some familial relationship.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Charles Morris Burk

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

 “Charles Morris Burk, son ofMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Burk, Nashville; grandson of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Burkand C. W. Head.”
  1. Robert A. Burk and EloiseHead were married 17 October 1925 in Williamson County, Tennessee. [Source:“Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002,” Burk-Head (1925); online database withimages,, ( : accessed 16 Dec2011).]
  2. Robert A. and Ellise Head arefound in the 1930 census in Nashville, Tennessee; there are no children in thehousehold. [Source: 1930 U.S.census, Davidson County, Tennessee, population schedule, Nashville, EnumerationDistrict (ED) 214, p. 11-A, dwelling 218, family 237, Robert A. Burk; digitalimage, ( : accessed 16 Dec 2011);citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 2244.]
  3. The name of the newspaper inwhich this photograph appeared and the date of publication are unknown.
  4. Any relationship between CharlesMorris Burk and his parents and Laurine Wyatt is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Ann Elizabeth Derryberry

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

"Ann Elizabeth Derryberry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Homer T. Derryberry, Nashville."
  1. Ann E. Derryberry is found inthe 1930 U.S. federal census enumerated with her parents Homer T. and Grace B.Derryberry in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee. She is reported as being 6years of age, born in Tennessee. [Source: 1930 U.S. census, Davidson County, Tennessee,population schedule, Nashville, Enumeration District (ED) 181, p. 4-B, dwelling43, family 56, Homer T. Derryberry; digital image, : accessed 16 Dec 2011); citing NARA microfilmpublication T626, roll 2242.]
  2. The name of the newspaper inwhich this photograph appeared and the date of publication are unknown.
  3. Any relationship between AnnDerryberry or her parents and Laurine Wyatt is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, December 16, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Marriage of James Alvin Brown and Nadine Bottoms

In November2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. Thescrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing thearticles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may beof value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

“Lawrenceburg Bride

“Lawrenceburg, Tenn., June1 (Spl.)--Mrs. James Alvin Brown was Miss Nadine Marjorie Bottoms, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. T. B. Bottoms of Lawrenceburg, before her marriage in Franklin,Tenn., on May 19. Mrs. Brown is a member of the Girl's Cotillion, and theGirl's A. B. C. Club.”

I found the following marriage record for Alvin Brown and NadineBattams in Williamson County, Tennessee, on May 19, 1940:

Source: Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008. Original data: Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002. Nashville, TN, USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives. Microfilm.

  1. Nadine Bottoms was born about 1919 and is enumerated with her parentsand siblings on the 1920 and 1930 U.S. federal censuses, in Lincoln County,Tennessee, and Lawrence County, Tennessee, respectively.
  2. This announcement was on the back of a loose newspaper clipping in thescrapbook. Therefore, I do not believe this person was affiliated in any waywith Laurine Wyatt.
  3. I have no information regarding the date of publication of thisannouncement or the name of the newspaper in which it appeared.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Mrs. John Ulna Whitaker Returns to Nashville

In November2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. Thescrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing thearticles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may beof value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

 Mrs. John Ulna Whitaker
Photo by W. G. Thuss

“Mr. and Mrs. John UlnaWhitaker, who have been making their home in Detroit since their marriage onChristmas Day, have returned to Nashville to reside and will make their home onCahal avenue. Mrs. Whitaker was formerly Miss Myrtle Frogue, charming young daughterof Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frogue.”
  1. Myrtle Frogue is enumerated with her parents and siblings in the1900-1920 U.S. federal censuses, first in Smith County, Tennessee, then inDavidson County, Tennessee. According to a family treeposted on Ancestry, she and John Ulna Whitaker were married on December25, 1927, in Nashville; however, I have been unable to locate a marriage recordfor the couple on either Ancestry or FamilySearch. The couple isenumerated in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, in 1930. According to the SocialSecurity Death Index, Myrtle Whitaker was born on 13 January 1898 and died inNovember 1984.
  2. I have no information regarding the date of publication of thisannouncement or the name of the newspaper in which it appeared.
  3. I have no information regarding Myrtle Frogue Whitaker’s relationshipto Laurine Wyatt.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Engagement of Ora Beverly Goss and Lucian Leonard Davis

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

Miss Ora Beverly Goss
photo by CalvertBros.

The engagement of Miss Ora Beverly Goss to Lucian LeonardDavis, of St. Louis, Mo., is announced today by the bride-elect's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Alonzo Franklin Goss of this city. The wedding will take place thelatter part of November.”

1.  UPDATED: Ora Beverly Goss and Lucian L. Davis were married 29 November 1928 in Davidson County, Tennessee. [Source: Tennessee Marriages, 1796-1950, online database, entry for Ora Beverly Goss and Lucion L. Davis; FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 February 2012).]
2.     The date of publication and the title ofthe newspaper in which this announcement appeared are unknown; searches made onNewspaperArchives and GenealogyBank.
3.     The relationship of Laurine Wyatt to this coupleis unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, December 9, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Marriage of Mary Edna Lee and Lawrence Glenn Foust

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall inCarson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to LaurineWyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbookwith the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researchingthe individuals named.

“Miss Mary Edna Lee Becomes Bride of Lawrence GlennFoust In Quiet Ceremony

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Lee of Clarksville announce themarriage of their daughter, Mary Edna, to Lawrence Glenn Foust, son of Mrs. L.C. Foust of Sango. The wedding took place at the First Baptist Church in Clarksvilleat 7 o'clock the evening of March 26. The Rev. Richard N. Owen performed theceremony.

For the occasion the bride was attractive in atwo-piece beige suit with patent leather accessories. Her flowers were talismanroses. Mrs. Walter Gray, sister of the groom, serving as attendant, chose anoutfit of Navy blue with white accessories. Her flowers were Briarcliff roses.

Walter Gray was best man.

Only a few close friends of the family attended thewedding.

Mrs. Foust is a graduate of Clarksville High Schooland attended Austin Peay State College for two years. She has been withBoillin-Harrison Co. here for several years. Mr. Foust is a graduate ofClarksville High School and is now engaged in farming.”

  1. No marriage record for this couple could be found or FamilySearch.
  2. The date of publication and the title of the newspaperin which this announcement appeared are unknown; searches made onNewspaperArchives and GenealogyBank.
  3. The relationship of Laurine Wyatt to this couple isunknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, December 5, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Marriage of Virginia Katherine Winn and Prentice Walton Smith

InNovember 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.


“Mrs.Prentice Walton Smith, who before her marriage, April 28, 1943, was MissVirginia Katherine Winn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Winn of Clarksville.

“Thewedding took place in Hopkinsville, Ky.”

  1. Thedate of publication and the newspaper in which this announcement appeared are unknown.
  2. Therelationship of Laurine Wyatt to the subject of the article is also unknown.

 © 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Mrs. William S. Spangenberg Honored

InNovember 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.

“Mrs.W. S. Spangenberg Is Honoree of Affair

“Mrs.William S. Spangenberg, a popular bride, was the honoree of an informal partyFriday evening when Mrs. William Blount and Miss Louise McDonald entertained atthe home of Mrs. Blount on Fifteenth Avenue, South.

“Contestswere the diversion of the evening, prized being awarded Miss Dorothy Brooks andMrs. Marshall Spangenberg. The honoree was presented a number of gifts, thepresentation being made by little Caroline Murphy.

“Latein the evening refreshments were served. The cutting of a decorated bride'scake was a feature. The guests were: Misses Carobelle Murphy, Louise Kerr,Myrtle Jones, Mary Parrish, Evelyn Stark, Mrs. Jerry Dale, Miss CamilleBinkley, Mrs. Florine Duncan Powers, Miss Lillian Kinsolving, Mrs. MarshallSpangenberg, Miss Frances Turner, Mrs. Joe B. Williams, Miss Thelma Green, Mrs.Virginia Sexton, Mrs. Williams Harlon, Miss Dorothy Brooks, Miss Laura VanTrease, Mrs. Weaver Harris, Miss Dessa Fay Ainlay, Miss Ruby McQuire, MissGertrude Brown, Mrs. Sophia Bender, Mrs. H. T. Ammerman of Chattanooga, Tenn.,Miss Lorraine Hill, and Miss Peggy Zoller.”

  1. The date of this announcement and the newspaper in which it waspublished are unknown.
  2. Although the middle initial in her name is different, I believe this article also refers to Nancy Lee (Brandon) Spangenberg whose marriage announcement was the topic of another post.
  3. The relationship between Laurine Wyatt and individuals mentionedin this article is unknown.

 © 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research