Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Marriage of W. L. Spangenberg and Nancy Lee Brandon

InNovember 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson,California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I amtranscribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with thehope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching theindividuals named.


“MRS.W. L. SPANGENBERG'S marriage is announced today by her father, J.C. Brandon.The ceremony took place May 30, in Franklin, Ky. The bride, who was formerlyMiss Nancy Lee Brandon, attended Abilene Christian College in Abilene, Texas,and David Lipscomb College. Mr. and Mrs. Spangenberg will make their home inLouisville where the bridegroom is an engineer and draftsman in the employ ofthe United States Government.”

  1. Thedate of this announcement and the newspaper in which it was published areunknown.
  2. Nomarriage record was located in searches on and FamilySearch.
  3. However,a death certificate was found for a stillborn child born to this couple on 29February 1936. [Source: Kentucky Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate,child of Wm. L. Spangenberg (1936);, Kentucky Death Records, 1852-1953, online database and images ( : accessed 25 November2011.]
  4. Therelationship between Laurine Wyatt and this couple is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - YWCA Membership Campaign Committee

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

Thisis another of the numerous articles and documents related to the Y.W.C.A.contained in the scrapbook.

"Y. W. C. A. Membership Campaign Committee

"–BannerStaff Photo.

"Oneof the committees working with enthusiasm for the Y. W. C. A. annual membershipdrive is the Business Women's Committee, of which Mrs. Weaver Harris serves ascolonel. The campaign was launched Wednesday with a luncheon attended by 300women. In the above group, reading from left to right, are, first row: MissCallie May White, Miss Gertrude Miller, Miss Lorena Davis, Miss Mai Gregory,Miss Evelyn Stark, Mrs. Robert Parrish; second row: Miss Elizabeth McGregor,Miss Mamie Akin, Miss Margaret Kain, Mrs. Paul Cherry, Dr. Edna Pennington,Mrs. Emil Marugg; third row: Miss Rush Worley, Miss Katherine Morris, MissFrances Beasley, Miss Ina Sherrebeck, Miss Alice McMahon, Miss Dessa Ainlay;top row: Miss Marie Hayes, Miss Fannie Rogers, and Mrs. Weaver Harris."

Note: It is likely this photo appeared in the Nashville (TN) Banner; however, the date of publication is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - YWCA Officers and Directors

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

Thisis one of the numerous articles and documents related to the Y.W.C.A. containedin the scrapbook.


"–Bannerstaff photo.

"Newlyelected officers and members of the directorate of the Y. W. C. A. are shownabove, the picture being made Wednesday morning at the bi-monthly meeting.

"Readingfrom the left, they are: first row—Mrs. George Blackie, treasurer; Mrs. J. S.McHenry, corresponding secretary; Mrs. John R. Aust, president; Mrs. T. GrahamHall, vice-president; and Miss Ina Scherrebeck, general secretary. Second row—MissRebecca Porter, Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Miss Louise Young, Mrs. J. H. McClure, Mrs.A. J. Dyer. Third row—Mrs. Brown Buford, Miss Susie McWhirter, Miss KatherineDibrell, Mrs. Weaver Harris and Mrs. W. F. Powell. Mrs. L. G. Durr,vice-president, and Miss Jennie Spark, recording secretary, are absent from thepicture."

Note: It is likely this photo appeared in the Nashville (TN) Banner; however, the date of publication is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Marriage of Louise Gentry and Thomas MacWilliams

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

“—Photo by Fletcher Harvey, Schumacher Studio

“MRS.THOMAS MacWILLIAMS was before her marriage May 19, Miss Louise Gentry of Una.Mr. MacWILLIAMS is continuity editor for Radio Station WSIX.”

  1. Searchesfor this marriage on and were unsuccessful.
  2. Relationshipto Laurine Wyatt is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Marriage of Clifton C. Seale, Jr., and Ruth Lamb

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

“—Photo by Cliff Eckstrom-Cain-Sloan Co.

“THEIRMARRIAGE ANNOUNCED TODAY—Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Seale, Jr., are seen followingtheir marriage which was solemnized on Sunday, November 9, in the study atFirst Baptist Church. Dr. W. F. Powell, pastor of the church, officiated. Thebride, who is a daughter of Mrs. James A. Lamb and the late Mr. Lamb, wasformerly Miss Ruth Lamb. Mr. Seale is a son of Mrs. Bessie Seale of Nashvilleand Clifton C. Seale of Livingston, Ala. He and his bride will make their homeat 1100 Fatherland Street.”

  1. Thetitle of the newspaper and the date of publication of this announcement areunknown.
  2. Searchesfor the marriage on and FamilySearch were unsuccessful.
  3. Anyrelationship between these individuals and Laurine Wyatt is unknown.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wyatt Scrapbook - Obituary of Frances Buchanan Bateman

In November 2011, I purchased a scrapbook at an antiques mall in Carson, California. The scrapbook is believed to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt. I am transcribing the articles and documents contained in the scrapbook with the hope that it may be of value to genealogists who may be researching the individuals named.

Followingis one of the loose newspaper clippings that was included in the scrapbookbelieved to have belonged to Laurine Wyatt:

“Ritesfor Mrs. Bateman ScheduledTomorrow

"Funeralservices for Mrs. Frances Buchanan Bateman, for many years associated with themillinery department at Tinsley's store, who died yesterday morning at the homeof her daughter, Mrs. Henry Lee Hanson, 2111 Bernard Avenue, will be heldtomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Marshall Funeral Home. The Rev. J. J.Ferguson and the Rev. Harry Denman will officiate and burial will be in Mt.Olivet Cemetery.

"Anative of Vicksburg, Miss., Mrs. Bateman lived there until her marriage, afterwhich she made her home in Nashville. She was the widow of Willis Enoch Batemanwho died in 1911.

"Shewas a charter member of the Rutledge Magazine Club and belonged to the BelmontMethodist Church.

"Inaddition to Mrs. Hanson, she is survived by her son, Willis Enoch Bateman, ofNorfolk, Va.”


  1. I have been unable to determine the title of the newspaperin which this obituary appeared.
  2. Frances Buchanan Bateman was born on 19 January 1880 anddied 23 October 1941 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee. She was thedaughter of Samuel J. Buchanan and Mary Sherrard. [Source: “Tennessee DeathRecords, 1914-1955,” FamilySearch;digital images ( accessed 14 November 2011).]
  3. At this time, I am unable to determine what, if any,relationship existed between Mrs. Bateman and Laurine Wyatt.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Treasure Found!

While visiting the antiques mall in Carson yesterday, afriend found a wonderful old scrapbook. I couldn’t resist purchasing it! Itappears to have belonged to a woman named Laurine Wyatt and includes items fromabout 1930 to 1945. There are no photographs, but quite a few newspaperclippings (undated and without the name of the newspaper), numerous itemsrelated to the YWCA of Nashville, Tennessee, and two letters of a personalnature. I’ll be scanning, transcribing and sharing the contents here over thenext few weeks. Here is a photo of the scrapbook and of Laurine’s name from theinside of the front cover.

© 2011 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research